Happy Dance

Wow! What a weekend thus far! Yesterday morning I woke up and felt under the weather, lacking the motivation to get myself out of bed. I threw the covers over my head and missed my morning run.
Fast forward to a few hours later – I am adjusting my run schedule so that I can meet my weekly mileage goals when an email appears. Not just any email mind you – But THE email!

“…We've had an overwhelming amount of applicants this year. We're sorry to tell you that..... you'll need to start training for The Wipro SF Marathon 2012!! Congratulations- you've been selected for our program….”

And suddenly my motivation came back as I was completely floored to discover that I was chosen to be the 2012 San Francisco Marathon Ambassador!
Fellow Bay Area Bloggers Courtney, Aron and Alyssa were also chosen among the Ambassadors to be represented!

I am honored to represent this race! I hope in turn to inspire others to participate in such an amazing event, and also learn and grow from the running community that I love so.

The San Francisco Marathon needs no introduction so mark your calendars and register for the marathon, or half that will be held July 29th, 2012.
I am still doing the happy dance! Yes, I actually dance, when I’m not running!

Happy Weekend Running & Racing,


  1. Congratulations Alisyn, you ARE an inspiration.
    Just reading your blog makes me wanna run. Keep on doing what you are doing.
    oxoxo Charly

  2. Congrats!! I can't wait to follow your ambassador duties :)

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