I'm Going Through Changes

View from exploring a trail in Colma.
The winter holiday went by far too fast, and I ate far too much with many celebrations to be had. I did manage to hit the trails a few times  and enjoyed the runs, but now it is time to focus on getting back on some type of routine. Which I admit, might be a bit difficult in the month of January for I am moving!

Yep, moving in with Umm. I am sure it comes at no surprise. I am excited and scared. I never envisioned myself moving out of the Bay Area, but here I am. I am looking forward to exploring the many trails that are not only located near the Cool area, but in the Tahoe area as well. It will be quite an adjustment as I am a sea level runner and find it difficult to run in elevation. The acclamation adjustment can only improve my running right?

I also hope that I can connect with local runners out in those parts. It might take some time, but as a social runner, I am really hoping to find some running buddies who will continue to motivate me and become trusted running companions.

Running the muddy trails of Bidwell Park in Chico.
Waterfall at Nisene Marks State Park
A creature of change rather than habit, I look forward to the adventures that await me which also includes signing up for my very first Ultra! I will be running the Inside Trails Folsom Lake 50k event at the end of April. I am really excited that I will be popping my ultra cherry, but nervous as moving just might interfere with training.I will however do my best with the goal to enjoy my training on the many trails that I have yet to explore.

2013 I am ready for you! It is going to be a great year for running, I can already tell! And you? What changes and goals do you have for this New Year? Don’t leave anything out for this inquiring mind wants to know!

End of the trail as the river crossing was far to wide. 


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