Get Outside

It has been two months since my last blog post and I’m okay with that. I spend my workdays behind a computer thinking up creative jargon or performing mundane tasks. While I love what I do, the very last thing I want to do in my personal time is sit at a computer.

So what have I been doing instead? Exploring the great outdoors! And the best part, I don’t have to travel far to experience all the beauty that mother nature has to offer.

Highlights? Why I thought you would never ask!

Friends Paulette and Shannon came out to visit and I planned a trail run out at the Cronin Ranch Area that included post run hydration and a river soak. I might have even dragged them out to get glitter tattoos later in the day!


4th of July weekend I went camping at one of my favorite places and went exploring the surrounding area. I love where I live and feel so lucky to be able to experience all the beauty not too far from my own backyard.

Lake Margaret is a 2.5 mile jike (jog/hike) to the lake (5 miles total). Plenty of streams and bodies of water along the way make this trek dog friendly and fun!

The Wrights Lake area is a trail and lake mecca. Wrights Lake is stunning don’t get wrong, but there are also many trails that will lead you to other stunning lakes! How fun it is to jike to a distant lake destination, cool off with a dip in the lake, and then jike back. So beautiful! So fun! So Amazing!

When in the forest or let's face it any area I have traveled many times over again, I am directional dysfunctional. My little dog Penny the Pup, my running and hiking companion is my little GPS. When I start to stray off the beaten path, which I tend to do a lot, Penny the Pup is there to guide me in the right direction! Nothing better than exploring with my little dog!

Speaking of Penny, I recently invested in an ISUP. I love to Stand Up Paddle and I finally gave in and invested in a water toy! Best investment ever! At first, I was worried about Penny while I am playing on the ISUP. She is not too crazy about the water and does not care to swim, or kayak. She does like to wade in the water and chase the fish and waves. Penny refused to get any where near the ISUP and would try to follow me on the bank while I was gliding on the lake. It worked for awhile until she could not go no further on the bank. She moaned and wined. I ended up turning the ISUP around and as I got back to the bank, she jumped right on. And now, ladies and gentleman, my little dog is a SUP boarder! I couldn’t be happier. It just  melts my heart that she SUP’s with me. It might not be her favorite thing ever (like running is), but she does it for me! And I love it because that just means I can spend more time with my little dog!

Those are just a few of my summer highlights! Short and sweet! Future posts will include detailed trail information on my adventures. But, given my track record, you might have a bit of wait! Stay tuned and in the meantime, get off the computer and get outside!


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